Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life is at the forefront of everything we do here at Aquinas, it directs all actions toward the honor and glory of God. All subjects at Aquinas are studied under the light of faith, and equips the Student with a belief in Catholicism as a way of life.
Additional benefits include a fostering of refinement in manners, speech and dress in accordance with Christian ideals, a promotion of the dignity of human life, the developing of the spirit of Christian charity and practicing a life of prayer and worship, and finding in the examples of Mary and the saints models of a Catholic way of living.
Aquinas believes in the importance of morality and virtue in the Catholic life.
The school provides many grace filled opportunities including twice monthly Masses with available confession, a Eucharistic Adoration chapel, pilgrimages, and retreats. These activities encourage the development of the whole person.
Every aspect of the academic experience devoted to the development of the whole man: the man who speaks, writes, and acts in the context of the Ignatian concept of "eloquentia perfecta" (perfect eloquence).