Homeschool Pricing
Grades Offered
Per Course
Registration Fee
Average Cost for a Full Academic Year
What We Recommend…
At Aquinas Online Learning, we recommend that students in grades 7-12 take 6 courses during the academic year: Theology, Literature (with Vocabulary), Composition, History, Science and Math. We can offer more specific recommendations on which courses to take depending on each student.
Our Composition course has the possibility of an in-depth writing program which would be facilitated by Homeschool Connections. This would be a great way for students to have more one on one time with a teacher according to their writing skills. This course runs at about $400 for the year and parents would work directly with Homeschool Connections to get them signed up. Aquinas Online Learning would apply the final grades on their corresponding report cards and it would count as a credit towards the Aquinas program. If there are any questions, we would be happy to assist in any way that we can.