A total of 24 credits is required for high school graduation.
4 Credits of Theology
4 Credits of Literature
4 Credits of History
3 Credits of Mathematics
3 Credits of Science
2 Credits of Composition
2 Credits of Electives
2 Credits of World Languages
“It is necessary not only that religious instruction be given to the young...but also that every subject be permeated with Christian piety.”
Our Curriculum
A Catholic Liberal Arts education embraces excellence in human achievement. It is the exposure to excellence that gives witness to value, to truth and, thereby, to God. A child will imitate what he learns. If exposed to excellence, he will be attracted to excellence and imitate it in his thoughts, words and deeds; if exposed to mediocrity, he will imitate that, too. Parents want the best for their children. This means the best education to prepare them for the future.
Today some believe that, with the many advances in technology, education must be completely overhauled, that none of the old rules apply. The last 30 years have seen education become a collection of fads. Fads come and go, but the classics of literature, art and music survive and remain to inspire and to educate those who study and absorb their lessons. The classics document mankind’s search for the truth. What better preparation for life in the Third Millennium than to learn from the wisdom of the first and the second?
Education is an end and the means: to know, love, and serve God in this world, so that we might be happy with Him forever in Heaven. Only training in greatness, of intellect and will, can equip a young person to learn from the past, to live in the present, to grow into the future.
The curriculum will:
Be suited to the full development of the students according to their needs and abilities;
Recognize in its choice of subjects and experiences a hierarchy of values with certain subjects having intrinsic value over others and contributing more to the attainment of the educational aims of the school;
Provide for the progressive mastery of materials which constantly challenge the developing abilities of the student;
Be integrated by coordinating several subjects and activities with a common philosophy permeating the whole;
Develop discipline as exhibited in conduct, study, thinking, memorization, communication and imagination.